Arkansas Real Estate



Woolverton, Carolyn

Woolverton, Carolyn

Woolverton, Carolyn | Salesperson | Hot Springs, AR

03/01/2007 | Hearing No. 3028

The Commission ordered “…Respondent Carolyn Woolverton to take six (6) hours of education related to agency representation and disclosure.  The course work must be pre-approved by the Executive Director.  These additional required hours will not count toward the respondent’s annual continuing education.  Also, scholarships will not be available for these hours.”

  • The Commission found Respondent Carolyn Woolverton guilty of violating Commission Regulation 8.5(a).
    Respondents Woolverton as Dual Agents did not protect and promote the interest of Complainant. 
  • Respondents Woolverton did not advise Complainant that they did not own the unit at the time Respondents entered into the December 7, 2005 Real Estate Contract with Complainant and that the transaction with Complainant was conditioned on Respondents Woolverton closing their transaction with Seller, who Respondents had a real estate contract with to purchase the unit.

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