Burns, Treva Quantay
Burns, Treva Quantay | Salesperson | North Little Rock
06/08/2010 | Hearing No. 3100
By Consent Order, In Formal Hearing # 3100 the Commission ordered that “ ...Respondent Principal Broker Jordan and Salesperson Burns each shall receive a Letter of Reprimand to be placed in their license files and each pay a $250 penalty to the Arkansas Real Estate Commission, within 90 days of the date of this Order.”
- The Commission found Respondent Principal Broker Jordan guilty of Arkansas Annotated § 17-42-311(a)(13).
- The Commission found Respondent Burns guilty of violating Arkansas Code Annotated §17-42-301(a), Arkansas CodeAnnotated § 17-42-311(a)(9), and Commission Regulation 6.3(b).