Satterfield, Clovis Kyle
Satterfield, Clovis Kyle | Salesperson | Little Rock, AR
06/01/2008 | Hearing No. 3067
By Consent Order, in Formal Hearing # 3067 the Commission ordered that “…Respondent Satterfield’s real estate salesperson license is hereby revoked.”
- The Commission found Respondent Satterfield guilty of violating Arkansas Code Annotated § 17-42-311(a)(3), § 17-42-311(a)(13) and § 17-42-311(a)(11).
- Respondent’s plea of guilty to a felony prohibits Respondent from holding a salesperson license.
- Respondent’s conviction and conduct constitute improper, fraudulent and dishonest dealing.
- Respondent is unworthy to act a real estate salesperson in such a manner as to safeguard the interest of the public because of his conviction.